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(912) 376-4982

Women Taking Aim
Copyright 2011

CONTACT UScontact@womentakingaim.com  or  (912) 376-4982

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Text Box: Self Defense Training
Text Box: Are You Prepared To Refuse To Be A Victim?
Text Box: This National Rifle Association self defense program is one of many that WTA offers to its members and the public, however, this one is our main focus. We have certified NRA instructors, and encourage our members to become instructors as well.  The principles discussed apply to all ages and all situations, and this seminar is widely respected and taught by law enforcement nationwide.  Be sure to check our seminar schedule each month, and email us for further details. Also, the NRA website link will list the seminars available nationwide.

Women Taking Aim chapters around the country are located near excellent sources for self defense training. 


We promote and teach various types of self defense; from situational awareness to concealed carry for firearms.  You are not protected by simply buying a gun and carrying it on your person.  It’s important to know the laws regarding firearms in your state as well as those in other states in which you may wish to take your gun.  And the most important thing to know is how to defend yourself effectively when you are in danger.


WTA offers national programs, such as the NRA’s Refuse to be a Victim, as well as recommending trusted local programs.  Contact your chapter or national headquarters to find out about self defense training in your area.